Autumn 1
As Geographers, can we find out what makes our local area special?
Focus topic (geography)
This half term, our focus was Geography and we worked as geographers to find out what makes Sunbury special. We started by learning about the differences between rural and urban areas and identified the human and physical features within our school grounds and on our school trip to The Meadow. We also work on developing our map skills as we will create an ordinance map of our local area.
This half term Year 1 have been super busy with their learning! They have settled beautifully into their new classrooms and routines. In English, they read the book Super Duper You and practised writing sentences about this story using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. They also learnt how to add a range of SPaG to their work to enhance their sentences (nouns, verbs and adjectives). We then innovated our own characters and settings for ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and wrote our own story!
We have sorted objects, counted objects and represented objects. We also counted, read and wrote forwards and backwards from any given number between 0 and 10, as well as count one more and one less. We learnt about one-to-one correspondence and used language such as equal, more/greater, less/fewer and introduced <, > and = symbols. We also looked at writing addition and subtraction number sentences.
In science we learnt all about human biology – especially the changes we make emotionally, physically and developmentally from the toddler stage to child stage. We looked at measuring our body parts and learnt to record this information on a table. We learnt about the 5 senses and undertook numerous experiments to understand the importance of each sense. We also identified, named and drew the basic parts of the human body.
In PE the children have been learning about team building. They have also been practicing their fundamental skills like running, jumping, throwing, catching, balance, coordination and agility.
In Computing we started by learning about online safety.
We then practiced logging in on the Chromebook and explored various new programs on purple mash.
In PSHE we discussed how we can make our class a safe place where everyone feels special and a sense of belonging. We also recognised feelings of facing consequences and achievements.
In RE the children have been learning about Christianity. They have learnt about why Christians call God the ‘creator’ and Christians beliefs about the creation story. They have also learnt about harvest and how we can look after our world.