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Chennestone Primary School

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Our learning question for Autumn 2 was:

As Historians, can we investigate Queen Victoria’s legacy on modern Britain?


When we write, we work hard to use high level vocabulary and engage the reader with varying our sentence structure. We completed a learning journey based on a diary entry for life as a Victorian servant which linked to our history topic. Also, we finished the term with a newspaper report on Queen Victoria’s funeral. We have also been learning how to proof-read, edit and up-level our reading. 

Our class text ‘Street Child’ has led to some interesting discussions about poverty in Victorian Britain. In Reading lessons, we have focussed on summarising and retrieval. We have looked at a range of ways to help us scan and skim the text to locate the answer. For example; looking for key words or synonyms in the text.

We started by focusing on Fractions. We began by looking at equivalent fractions then moved on to adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying fractions . Next, we looked at measurements; mastering converting imperial and metric measures. 

In our ‘Electricity’ topic we were able to construct a working circuit. This then allowed us to be able to explain why a circuit may not work. We then investigated how switches work and solved a challenge that involved turning on two bulbs at different times with two switches. 

Our focus was on the Victorians and exploring how Victorians lived, as well as the legacy left by Queen Victoria. We enjoyed comparing a Victorian Christmas to a modern day Christmas and researched the impact the Industrial Revolution has had on our way of life now.

We have enjoyed focusing on teamwork and skills in handball. Then, in gymnastics, developing a range of movements, balances and routines which we then performed to each other.

We continue to prepare for Young Voices; learning songs and understanding pitch and harmony.

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Young Voices February 5th

Homework Reminders

After half term, homework will go out on a Wednesday, to be returned on the following Monday. 

Thank you for a fantastic half term!


We look forward to the continued hard work in 2025!

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