Autumn 2
As Historians, can we find out how toys have changed over time?
Focus topic (History)
This half term our focus was History. We worked as historians to find out how toys have changed over time and learnt about all the changes within living memory. The children learnt all about popular toys within the 20th and early 21st century. The children developed a range of historical skills such as asking and answering questions, identifying and interpreting different sources and recognising change and exploring how this influences them today.
We also had an exciting toys workshop delivered by Chertsey Museum where the children got to see and play with these toys in real time. They were truly mesmerised!
This half term, children completed various writing tasks, including
narratives and setting descriptions. Our writing input was derived from the story of ‘Traction Man’. Firstly, children wrote their innovated version of Traction Man and then we looked at the setting description inside the sink. The children wrote their first setting description using the five senses. The children were also introduced to time words, using conjunction ‘and’ and words ending in the suffix ‘-ing’. Children were also reminded of SpaG such as capital letters, full stops, adjectives, verbs, nouns and using the personal pronoun ‘I’.
Throughout this half term we have covered addition, subtraction and geometry.
The children were introduced to whole-part models and looked at number sentences before looking more closely at writing and understanding addition and subtraction number sentences. We then recapped 2D shapes before looking more closely at 3D shapes. We also created patterns with both 2D and 3D shapes.
We learnt all about Seasonal Changes. We looked at the different features and characteristics of Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer and used our observation skills to find similarities and differences. We especially looked at the weather typically associated with each season and their change in day light hours. We made our own rain gauges and measured and recorded the differences in rainfall between Autumn and Winter. We also conducted our own ice experiment!
In PE we continued to work on our team building through ball games. We practiced fundamental skills like running, jumping, throwing, catching, balance, coordination and agility. We also learnt about Gymnastics and practiced working on our balancing as well as moving across beams and jumping off equipment.
In Computing we learnt about Computer Science and Digital Literacy. We looked at grouping and sorting on Purple mash.
In PSHCE, we looked at celebrating differences, accepting differences, being inclusive, identifying bullying behaviours, being kind to children who are bullied, making friends and knowing how to give and receive compliments.
In R.E we looked at the story of the birth of Jesus. We learnt about the key people in the Nativity and their relationship to God. We also performed a Nativity play and learnt numerous songs!