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Year 6 learning Autumn 1

Week 3 


To begin with, in our English lessons we started off our topic by writing about a short Pixar animation - 'For the Birds' . We explored many different angles of the video, with a main focus on bullying, seeing how it affects the person being bullied as well as the bully. We enjoyed acting out parts of the animation and adding in our own speech. 


On a different subject, all of our various MPs have now been selected: Class MP, Sports MP, Environmental MP, Art MP and Wellbeing MP. Everybody who tried out for the role wrote outstanding speeches and showed great sportsmanship. 


In History (which is our main Humanities topic for the term), we are learning about the Victorian Era, we have learnt a lot about Queen Victoria and have produced some wonderful writing. This week we have also been reading about the different types of jobs which poor Victorian children had to unfortunately face in those times. 


In maths, we have been working on our topic of Place value - looking at the value of numbers, ordering them and also looking at negative numbers in context. 


Moving onto Art, Hawk class have been learning to shade different textures and Eagles have concentrated on a certain type of abstract art. 


This term, the school have been lucky enough to be introduced to a brand new instrument - the Ukelele - we have already learnt all of the notes and a range of songs which us to remember them. 


In Spanish, we have re-capped all of our numbers 1-20 and we are beginning to learn new language to introduce ourselves. 


Finally, we have an exciting school trip on Monday to Walton Fire station - a trip called Junior Citizen - we will fill you in on all the details next week!


This blog is written by the class Mp's of Hawk and Eagle class:


Isla belle and Sofia. 



Week 6:




The last couple of weeks have been very busy with assemblies. We have been learning about how education has developed and changed over time. The children showcased their knowledge and acting ability on stage. 


Thank you to all the parents/carers for your ongoing support.




The children have begun working on the four key operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). It is important for the children to be familiar with their TimesTables to 12.




We are reaching towards the end of our Hansel and Gretel unit. The children have enjoyed learning about this book and are producing some descriptive pieces of writing.




In all, the children are continuing to work well and we, as teaching staff, could not be more prouder!


Thank you.

Autumn 2: Week 1:


It was a very interesting first week back. The children settled in very well and were ready to proceed with learning. 


It was very nice to hear about how they all spent their holiday.



We started division (short and long) and although the children did find some aspects challenging they all worked really hard! It is imperative that children continue to work on timetables.



We are now focusing on "The Lost Thing" for the next few weeks. The children have fully engaged with the lessons and are working really hard!


It was really nice to welcome all the children back and now we look to work as hard up until the Christmas break.


Thank you.

Autumn 2 - Week 1



In Maths this week we have started our topic on fractions. We have been using factors to calculate and simplify fractions and have also been working on our arithmetic skills. Next week we will be ordering fractions on a number line using either the denominator or the numerator. 




In English this week we have been continuing our focus on the short video 'The Lost thing'. We have incorporated our lesson notes into some wonderful descriptive writing. We are now continuing to use this video to develop our writing further, moving onto the next exciting part of the clip. 


History / Geography: 


To start off our topic about Explorers, focusing on Shackleton, we have researched all about Antarctica and produced some amazing double page spreads. We have learnt a lot of information about climate, vegetation and the animals that live there - especially the fact that polar bears and penguins live nowhere near each other! We have also, for our topic on Oceans, identified and located the major seas and oceans of the world. 




In Re we have started our topic about Christianity, we have made some beautifully decorated crosses and we also looked at three celebrities and how religion impacted on and influenced their lives. 

Autumn 2: Week 4


What a last week we have had! The children have been engaging so well in their learning and this will, no doubt, put them in good stead moving forward. 



The children have begun learning about fractions. This includes simplifying, ordering and comparting. It is paramount that the children continue to familiarise themselves with their timestables. This can be done through different avenues such as: TTRS, bitesize and other online platforms. 



We are near the end of completing our unit - The Lost Thing. The children have engaged so well with this video clip and are in the progress of completing their final published pieces. I have no doubt they will be interesting to read.



The children have put their research skills to the test and have been conducting research on the different oceans. The children have been innovative with the way they have done it.


As always, we thank you for your continuous support and if we can be of any assistance please let us know.


Thank you.


Year 6 Team. 

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