Autumn Learning
Autumn 2 - Week 1
Welcome back year 4. We hope you had a lovely half term. This week we started our new unit in English, The Secret of the Black Rock. Children will begin to write their own sentences to help prepare them for their narrative.
In Maths we have spent a short amount of time looking at the areas of shapes. We now understand that the area is the space taken by the inside of a 2-D shape and have begun to calculate the area of a variety of shapes.
We have started our Science topic which is electricity. Children have work together to categorised appliances based on how they are powered. We have also looked at the Anglo-Saxons in History to understand what happened in Britain after the Romans left and the Vikings arrived.
Autumn 1 - Week 7
This week we have finally come to an end with our ‘What did the Romans do for us?’ topic. The children thoroughly enjoyed this topic and now know so much about the Roman’s! To end this topic children created their own Roman shield using cardboard, yogurt pots and tin foil. We then went outside and practices our Roman transformations.
In Maths this week we consolidated our learning of place value, subtraction and addition. Children used different strategies to check their answers and have shown a great understanding.
In English we have also come to the end of our writing unit ‘Feast’. Children have worked extremely hard on creating their own story. We have thoroughly enjoyed reading through all of the children’s stories and are very pleased with all of their writing. Well done year 4!
We hope you have a lovely half term.
The Year 4 Team.
Autumn 1- Week 6
Another jam packed week in year 4. This week we moved away from adding and on to subtraction in maths. As the week went on we gradually built up our learning to subtractions with multiple exchanges as well as how to estimate answers and how to check strategies.
In English this week we finished our plans for our narrative based on the short film feast and have begun to draft our final piece of work. We are cannot wait for their finished pieces and are extremely excited to read their stories when the children finish their final write next week.
We are almost at the end of learning about the Romans and have learnt about what the Romans changed in Britain and how this affects us to this day. We have begun to summarise our learning using a double page spread to showcase all of our new knowledge about the Romans.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
The year 4 team.
Autumn 1 - Week 5
This week in Panda and Koala class we have moved on from place value in maths and have begun to look at addition and subtraction. We have focused on Addition mainly this week progressing from adding up to two 4 digit numbers with no exchange to additions with multiple exchanges.
In our writing unit looking at the short film “Feast” which we have now finished watching we have utilised a few different writing and grammar techniques to extend our writing. Examples of these are onomatopoeia, words that resemble the sound they describe and also relative clauses to provide extra information about a noun in our sentences.
Alongside our maths and English we have carried on with our ukulele lessons furthering our skills in playing the instrument. We also did some soap sculpting for this week’s art lesson. We used a variety of different tools to make different parts and to edge away areas of the soap bar that were not needed.
We hope you have an amazing weekend,
The Year 4 Team
Autumn 1 - Week 4
This week in year 4 we have been continuing with our video clip Feast in English. This week we explored healthy and unhealthy foods to help us create a bank of adjectives to describe the taste/smell/texture/colours and sounds of foods, this related to our video clip Feast as we watched Winston try new foods with his new owners.
In Maths we learnt about Roman numerals which also links to our big question (What did the Romans do for us?). We also had a number of lessons in which we looked at rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000. We used our knowledge of place value as well as number lines to help us with this.
In Art we carried out still life sketches based on the 18th century post-impressionist artist Giorgio Morandi. Children really focused and took their time to sketch and shade their still life objects (plants) this resulted in some amazing Art work.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 4 Team
Autumn 1 - Week 3
This week in Panda and Koala class some fantastic learning has taken place. We’ve furthered our knowledge of place value to 10,000 and have even begun to look at comparing numbers to one another and explaining which one is greater and why.
In English this week we began our new unit looking at the short Disney film “Feast”. As the week has progressed we’ve looked at literary devices such as noun phrases as well as word classes like prepositions and how these can take our writing to a whole new level.
Finally, in art this week we studied the artwork of Paul Cezanne, a 19th century post-impressionist painter. We focused on the techniques and ways he applied paint and used this is our own work to decorate the outline of a Roman pot to link this to our history topic.
We hope you have a fun filled weekend,
The Year 4 Team.
Autumn 1 - Week 2
This week Koala and Panda class have had a busy week. Children were very excited to start their Ukulele lessons. We are very fortunate to have an external music teacher to come in and teach us. The Ukulele lessons will take place every week for the next ten weeks.
During our Maths Lessons we continued with our place value topic. However, this week we developed our partitioning and looked at how to flexibly partition numbers. We also learnt what 1,10,100,1000 more or less than a number is children used manipulatives such as base ten and place value counters to support their learning.
In English we continued with Big Bird, children have created their own persuasive letter to Little Birds, persuading them to stop bullying Big Bird. Children have produced some amazing letters and we are thoroughly impressed with their writing and presentation in their Writing books.
In History this week we focused on a variety of Roman Emperors (Julius Ceasar, Nero, Claudius, Caligula, and Hadrian) children have learnt some interesting facts about these Roman Empires and have discussed whether they made an impact on life today.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 4 Team.
Autumn 1 - Week 1
We have had a fantastic first week in Panda and Koala class with some fabulous learning taking place.
In maths we started looking at our place value topic recapping on numbers in the thousands. The children have used multiple representations of numbers such as base 10 and place value counters whilst partitioning numbers using part-part-whole models. Finally they have interpreted number lines with different interval values.
For our first week of English learning as a school we have been looking at the Pixar short film “For the Birds”. We have explored ideas around thoughts, feelings and motives of the characters using drama as well as linking this to the long lasting effects of bullying. The children have also looked at writing a dialogue and how to punctuate speech.
Finally we introduced our big question “What did the Romans do for us?”, finding out the things we already knew as a year group as well as talking about what we might like to learn. We then began to understand how the Roman Empire started, who started it and where it began.
We hope you have a restful weekend.
The Year 4 Team