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Chennestone Primary School

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Our learning Autumn 1

Week 1. 

What a wonderful first week we have had in Year 2! It was so lovely to welcome the children back to school. We have spent lots of time this week discussing routines and expectations of the classroom, as well as starting our new topics.

This half term, we are learning about the continents and mapping the world. In Geography, we created maps of the world using paper plates and continents jigsaws. We played a fun game with our partners called 'Splat the Continent!'. You may have heard us singing a catchy song to help us learn the continents. 

In Art, we will be exploring different forms of art this half term. We started by creating patterns, we used a range of items in the classroom to create repeating patterns. 

In Computing, we started our new topic by learning about online safety. We learnt how to search safely on Purple Mash, and got some tips on searching safely on Google. 

We have had an amazing first week getting to know each other and settling into our new class, we look forward to continuing next week. 


Have a lovely weekend!


Week 2. 


This week in Year 2, we have continued to learn about mapping out our world. In geography, the children used atlases and songs to learn the names and locations of the 5 oceans.

In Science, the children have been learning about life processes using 'MRS GREN'. They have been exploring what makes something living, dead or never been alive. 

In Art, the children went outside and explored different textures by using a crayon and paper to take rubbings. The children were fascinated with the results and got really creative!

In English, we worked together to write a travel journal using our learning. The children remembered to use time conjunctions, first person and adjectives. The children will write a travel journal independently next week, we are looking forward to reading their amazing writing! 


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