Welcome to Chennestone PTA
Let’s make next year the best year yet! We can do it with your help.
Hello and welcome to Chennestone.
Just like many other schools, Chennestone has a PTA (Parent Teachers Association). We are a friendly and warm bunch of caring parents who coming together with our various skill sets to raise vital funds that enrich our children’s lives at school.
It is no secret that school funding from government is seriously declining, but we are not powerless to help. We strongly believe that school and parents working in partnership is the most positive way to raise money and secure the best educational experiences for our children.
The good news is, everything your PTA raises goes directly to providing for the school, and, in consultation with staff, parents have a say on where and how the money is spent.
PTA meetings are open to everyone and we would encourage you to come and hear about the events we are planning for the new academic year. We would also love to hear about your ideas for fundraising and how best we could spend the money we raise. As a collaborative group everyone’s input is valued.
This year the PTA has been fundraising to improve the playground, and in the previous year we raised enough funds to install a new library.
It’s not just big projects that are funded… Each year we provide:
- every class with a cash fund
- leavers’ yearbooks for Year 6
- new intake book bags
- and many extras the school might ask for during the year.
The PTA plays a key role raising funds for the school, but also holds events throughout the school year for the enjoyment of the children. These have included:
- Back to school disco
- End of year disco
- Bingo night
- Christmas fair
- Summer fair
- Cake sales
- And many other easy fundraising initiatives.
We’re really looking forward to working together to continue providing extra funding for the school and activities for the children to enrich the school environment.
You can make a real difference! More parents involved with their PTA means more money raised through more fun events, benefiting everyone.
We always need people to help at the events, manning stalls, helping on the bar or setting up and clearing away. The more people we have helping, the less time each person has to help and we can all enjoy the event.
Whatever your talents there’s always something you could help with, however small the amount of time you can contribute. And if you’re good at communicating and organising you might fancy being a Class Rep, please let us know!
The PTA and parents now use an app called Classlist to keep in touch with each other and keep up to date on all the happenings in and around school. We also use this for community events, purchasing tickets to events run by the PTA and many more helpful things.
Please sign up to our Classlist page HERE
You can also join the Facebook group: search Chennestone Primary School PTA
We have set up a School Lottery for simple fundraising with 40% of ticket sales going direct to our school, plus every player stands a chance of winning a £25k jackpot from the weekly draws with other local weekly prizes. Head to to sign up and find out more.