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Spring 2: Week 1


Dear Parents/Carers,


Welcome back to the second term of spring. We hope you all had a lovely, restful break.


The children, as always, have started the week really well and have hit the ground running. Well done to each and every one of you.


In Maths, we have been learning about decimals. This includes adding, subtraction and ordering. The children have used their previous knowledge to help them.


In Writing, we have started a new book called Rose Blanche. The children have been learning more about WW2 through this book and have applied this in their writing. 


We hope you have a lovely weekend.


Thank you.


Year 6 Team. 

Spring 1 Week 5


Another busy week in Eagle class with lots still to come! 


A quick reminder that on Monday, some of us will be going to the Young Voices concert in Wembley. Please check the letter that was sent home to make sure you have all the required food and drink as it is a long day! All children will still need to attend school at normal time on Tuesday. 


In maths this week we have continued our learning about Algebra and have progressed onto solving equations with more than one step. Our top tip was to remember that whatever we did to one side of our equation, we needed to do to the other to keep both sides of the equality sign equal. 


In English we have started to write a newspaper article that could have appeared in a newspaper during World War 1. We refreshed our memories of the key features, as well as how to include reported and direct speech. We also needed to think very carefully how to write in a formal tone - which was trickier than we thought! 


Finally on Friday we rocked the classroom with TTRS and maths. The children enjoyed using their maths skills to solve the maths problems that Ms Barron had prepared. 


It always amazes us how much we fit in a week - we hope the children get plenty of rest this weekend before our final week of the half term. 

Spring 1 Week 4


It was a fantastic week in Eagle class this week. 


It has been nice to see the children working ever so hard in all aspects of their learning. In Writing, the children have planned and drafted our their own version of 'The Journey'. They have worked hard to include the techniques that we have been learning including repetition, short sentences and superlatives to create impact. 


In Maths, we have been working on algebra and the children have shown resilience and determination to understand some of the trickier concepts. Next week we will be solving equations! 


There was great excitement on Tuesday as we were learning how our eyes work and we needed to learn lots of scientific vocabulary - can you all remember what the different parts are? We learnt about the pupil, iris, optic nerve, lens, retina and the sclera. 


As part of our topic on World War One, this week we learned about the valuable part that animals played in the war. This lesson linked really well to our current class text 'War Horse'. The children will be writing newspaper articles next week about an animal of their choosing. 


All in all, a very busy week! Just a reminder to you all that unfortunately Chennestone will be closed on Wednesday 1st February 2023. There will be a 'bumper' home learning coming home on Tuesday. 


We hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 


Eagle Class Team 

Spring 1 Week 3


The children had a good working week despite the school closing on Wednesday. We were impressed by the sheer dedication and commitment all children showed whilst working at home. Well done!


In Maths, we have continued the topic of algebra. This included solving 1 and 2 step problems and solving problems with two unknowns. The children worked ever so hard to grasp the concept.


In Writing, we have now completed The Journey and have now begun writing a newspaper report about the role of animals during the first world war. Children had the opportunity to conduct research for a chosen animal in preparation for their planning next week.


In Art, the children demonstrated and observed in order to create art in a photorealistic style.


In all, the children worked really hard - one more week left before half term!


We hope you all have a nice restful break.


Thank you.


Kind regards,


Year 6 Team 

Spring 1 Week 2


Dear Parents and Carers,


What a week this has been! All children have been working ever so well and have gotten into the swing of things very quickly - which is a testament to how hard they have been working!


In Writing:

We have continued to read and recreate our own version of the Journey. The children have enjoyed reading and studying the book as they immerse themselves in the underlying meaning behind the text.


In History:

We are learning about the First World War and the roles that animals and children played. The children were surprised to learn about the key roles of different individuals.


In Science:

We conducted a light experiment which the children enjoyed. We made predictions and then compared them to the actual result. 


As always we thank you all for your continuous support. We hope you have a lovely weekend.


Thank you.


Kind regards,


Year 6 team

Spring 1 Week 1


Dear Parents and Children,


We hope you all had a lovely restful break. The children settled in ever so well and began the term very impressively! Our big question this term is: "How has war shaped our World?" This term we will be covering WW1 and WW2.


In Writing, we are studying a book called 'The Journey.' The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about it and have begun unpicking the underlying meaning behind the text. 


In Reading, we have started to read and answer question on War Horse. The children have enjoyed reading the first chapter and discovering the narrator of the story!


In Art, we have created a photomontage which the children enjoyed making. It is nice to see just how creative and artistic they all are.


A massive well done to all the children for working so hard and settling back in really quickly!


We hope you all have a lovely weekend.


Thank you.


Year 6 Team

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