Welcome back to a new term in Meerkat class
Our big question this term is:
Did the Stone Age end because the stones ran out?
We will explore the changes in Britain from the Stone Age, through the Bronze Age and into the Iron Age with a focus on how mankind has changed over the years and the effect this has had. Our class story is 'The Wild Way Home', by Sophie Kirtley. We will also immerse ourselves in a range of non-fiction texts and continue to develop our Vipers skills during Guided Reading.
As scientists, our focus will be on geology - identifying, classifying, and grouping rocks that make up the foundations of the earth! This will also link to our prior learning in Year 2 about fossils.
This term, we hope to be virtually visited by a historian and our learning will culminate in an immersive Stone Age Day at the end of term!
Rainforest Diorama Gallery
Welcome back to Meerkat class!
Keep an eye on this page for exciting news and updates about our learning journey!
Mrs Madden