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Chennestone Primary School

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Hello and welcome to our class page! Below you will find information about all of our learning in Year 6 during this first half term. 

Thank you to all those who were able to join us for our class assembly. I’m sure you’ll agree that we look forward to our end of year production where our talents will be shared even more!

Our learning question for Autumn 1 was:

‘As Geographers, can we discover how oceans are formed and why they matter?’


We started on writing ‘to entertain’ with a setting description. We were able to create descriptive pieces using figurative language and a range of punctuation. Also, we have completed 2 learning journeys around writing ‘to inform’. The first, a non-chronological report using our imaginations to create a mythical beast. Finally, an explanation text where our WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) was based on a robot; the ‘class-clean bot’. 

Our class text ‘Cogheart’ has led to some interesting discussions. In Reading lessons, we have focussed on annotations and word meaning. We have looked at a range of ways to help us breakdown unknown language. For example; looking at the root word and prefixes or suffixes, reading around the word and swapping out the word for one of the same word class. 

We started by focusing on Number and Place Value. This meant that we have a secure understanding of larger numbers, including ordering and comparing. Next, we looked at the four operations; mastering multi-digit calculations, solving word problems and calculating with the order of operations. 

In our ‘Light’ topic we were able to recognise that light travels in straight lines. This then allowed us to be able to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye and that shadows are formed because of this too. We then investigated how shadows are made and what can cause shadows to be seen as bigger or smaller. 

Our focus on oceans started with how they were formed, locating them and comparing them to seas. We then looked at human and physical geography and compared different geographical features of the USA to the UK. 

We have enjoyed focusing on teamwork and skills in volleyball. Then, in Fitness, developing strength and endurance through various exercises and activities.

•    Young Voices Preparation: Learning songs and understanding pitch and harmony.

Upcoming Events
•    Parent-Teacher Meetings: [Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th November]

Homework Reminders
•    After half term, homework will go out on a Wednesday, to be returned on the following Monday. 

Thank you for a fantastic first half of the term! Let’s keep up the great work!

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