Tiger Class Learning
Week starting 22nd May 2023
MATHS: We will be continuing our focus on co-ordinates, using our knowledge from last week to answer a range of questions. We will recap prior knowledge on reflections before extending learning to Year 5 questions.
WRITING: As our balanced argument unit comes to an end, we will be peer-editing our final pieces before writing them up for the showcase.
READING: Following our opportunity to see 'Matilda the Musical' this week, we will be using our comprehension skills to explore lyrics from the songs. This will also feed into our new writing unit after the half term break.
HISTORY: Continuing our work on our Big Question, we will explore how the Maya civilisation compares to the Anglo Saxons, who were living in Britain towards the end of the Mayan era.
SCIENCE: In science, we will continue learning about the properties of materials and identifying how different materials are useful for different purposes.
RE: We will be looking at Brahman, the Hindu god, as part of our focus on how worship is important to those of the Hindu faith.
PSHE: We will continue exploring the relationships that pupils have in their lives, while also outlining how we can be a good friend.
COMPUTING: There will be no computing lesson this week, as we will be having our Matilda experience.
SPANISH: There will be no Spanish lesson this week, as we will be having our Matilda experience.
MUSIC: We will continue learning how to play the guitar with Mr Rainone. We are now learning how to play basic chords, using the frets.
PE: In PE, we are learning how to play cricket and developing the relevant skills.