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Chennestone Primary School

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Summer 1 - Week 3 


This week Year 3 went on their residential trip to Sayers Croft. Children took part in lots of activities including blindfold trail, rock climbing, stream studies and orienteering. We had a campfire and a disco where everyone got involved. Despite the weather, children were all smiles and gave their all in all activities. 


For those that did not attend the residential, they took part in similar activities such as a bug hunt, creating a factfile about their favourite animal and natural artwork. They were also treated to some baking and a movie. 


We hope you have a lovely weekend!


Mrs Farid and Miss Wallace



Summer 1- Week 4


This week has been a short and warm week! Children were welcomed back after the bank holiday weekend with a new topic in maths. We have been looking at money and converting pound and pence. Children have used this knowledge to help add money. 


In English, we completed our unit on Play scripts by publishing our own. We have now started our new unit on persuasive letters. 


In Science, we have continued to learn about light. We were looking at how shadows are formed and measuring lengths of shadows. 


In Geography, we have explored rivers around the world and with their learning partners, children have selected one river from around the world to research for their fact file. 


In DT this week, we have been programmed our own microbit charms. Today, children were able to pair their device and see what their road safety charm would look like in real life. 


Enjoy the sun this weekend!


Mrs Farid and Miss Wallace

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