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Chennestone Primary School

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What would we tell Mumble if he came to visit the UK?

Week 1




We hope you all have had a nice well deserved rest! In the first week back we have introduced all our new learning. If you would like to see what topics we are learing check out our curriculum map for this topic in the Curriculum pages tab!

In Maths we have started to explore numbers beyond 10 and understanding them as 10 and a bit. We read the book Animals aplenty to help support our learning. Next week we aim to make our own version.

Our English topic is looking at the book The Queens Hat for our narrative story focus.

We are excited to share that our school trip is booked and we will be going to Milestones Museum! Letters will be sent out next week. 


Week 2

This week we continued reading our class text The Queens Hat. We have introduced our RE learning and discussed "what is in a name?" We though about what names are important to us and why. In Science we have investigated why have day and night. We introduced our first historian Isambard Kingdom Brunell  

Week 3

This week in maths we have been looking at the number line to 20. We last started to learn how to estimate on the number line this was quite tricky so will be recapping this next week. In RE we look at Allah's 99 names and thought about how names are important. In geography, we looked at human and physical features in the UK and sorted them into groups categorized by country. In PHSE we looked at how to set a goal and things best are best achieved if worked through one step at a time. We started our need topic in art looking at colour! 

Week 4

This week we finished looking at The Queens Hat following "The Write Stuff " we used our sentence stacking lessons to create our own versions of the story of Mrs Mulhall's Scarf!

In PE we looked at the skill of mirroring to relate to movement. We used this skill again in our PHSE lessons where we learned to work with a partner to complete a shared goal.

We wrote postcards to Mumble to tell him about one of the capital cities in the UK.

Week 5

We did some fantastic learning this week and to end our week we had a number day dress up! 

In English, we started looking at a travel journal. We are writing about Africa and the amazing animals and views that we have seen using videos and pictures to help us.

In maths, we started looking at addition and subtraction between 20. We have started to build on our learning from earlier in the year as we are trying to count on from a given number. We found using ten frames, cubes and numberlines very helpful with our new learning.

In science, we recapped our learning on the seasons. We looked at the difference in hours of sunlight between the different seasons.

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