Who is the lady with the lamp?
We will be taking a journey back to the times of Florence Nightingale and Marie Curie. We will explore the significant impact that Florence Nightingale had on modern nursing. Many of her theories around good hygiene and simple hand washing couldn’t be more relevant today! Above all, we want to capture the incredible will of these women to help and support others in need and learn how we can apply their compassion, determination and resilience to the challenges we face with modern day life.
Week 1
This week we have been learning about measure in maths. We can now understand what taller/smaller longer/shorter means and compare them to objects and each other. We have started our new question and discovered the Lady is called Florence Nightingale. Ask us to tell you about her at home sure we can now list a few key facts as we learnt all about the timeline of her life this week. We have 2 new role play areas- Modern day hospital and army exercise area. Seahorses have loved playing doctors and nurses and even have their own lanyards. In religious education we are returning to focus on the religion of Christianity and discover why is 'Church' an important place. We have done this by comparing this to our own important places.
Finally our new text is a Warning story. Miss McFadden brought in a box and we were not allowed to touch it as the siren was going off. For our cold task we wrote what we thought was in the box and what would happen when we opened it. After this we read our story about Jack and Ellie and learned what warnings are and why they are important though an acting challenge. Take a look at some photos of our week below!
Week 2
We had some AMAZING outfits for World Book Day !
In English, we started to innovate our warning text. We also started looking at using suffixes in our writing. We looked at emotions and how the different parts of the text made us feel.
In maths, we are continuing to look at measurement. We have learned to use rulers to help us measure different items. We have been measuring in centimetres using our rulers.
In history, we looked at the conditions of the hospital before Florence Nightingale started working in them. We discussed how in those days the hospitals were very basic and that soldiers did not receive good food and medicine to help them get better. We also discussed how Florence cleaned the wards, set up a hospital kitchen and how she provided the soldiers with quality care. As a result of these improvements, soldiers health improved and their was less disease spreading in the hospital.
In science, we continued to look at the body. We used our senses to investigate the different parts of the body. We used a microscope and wrote about what we could see. We used some super adjectives to describe what we could see under the microscopes! We also used our height chart outside again to record our height in our book along with our eye colour.
Florence nightingale sketches
Week 3
This week one of our highlights has been opening our outdoor hospital role play area. It has helped the students to compare the similarities and differences between the hospitals Florence would have seen.
In maths this week we have focused on weight and mass. The class have enjoyed working practically to measure the weights of various objects they could find in the class.
Also this week we have finished our Florence Nightingale portraits! See our Seahorse showcase board below to view our masterpieces!
Week 4
This week has been British Science week! At school we have had 3 webinars (a talk about nursing with Nurse London, book reading and why we should recycle with The Three Engineers and finally a minibeast discovery talk with a bug specialist.
In maths we have been learning about the differences between capacity and volume.
We have made our mothers and others day cards this week ready to give out next week!
Dear Evan Hansen - For Forever
Week 5
Wow what another fantastic week in year 1! We had a radiologist come and talk to us and show us x-rays on a x- ray machine. He spoke to the children about his job and how he became a radiologist and answered the children's questions.
In English, we read the book 'The day the crayons quit'. We wrote sentences about how the crayons were feeling and why they were feeling this way. We used a range of conjunctions and adjectives in our writing.
In maths, we have continued learning about measurement. We have just started looking at comparing in measurement. The children are really enjoying this maths topic.
In D&T this week, we started to look at sliders and levers. We used our cutting skills to cut around a rabbit, a hat and a car. We used our gluing skills to stick our cars and rabbits on to lolly pop sticks. We really enjoyed this lesson and are excited to make our Florence Nightingale slider!
This week we also made vegetable skeletons! The children really enjoyed this activity! We used peppers, mushrooms, carrots, brocolli and hummus. Seahorses decided to be adventurous and try any vegetables that were new to them. Lots of us tried mushrooms for the first time and for some of us it was a hit and for others they were not a fan! We got our leftover vegetables and hummus and went outside under the big tree for a picnic and a story. The children really enjoyed this and because of the super weather, we have been going outside and sitting under a tree for story time at the end of the day.
Parents it was also lovely to see you all and chat to you on Friday!
Veggie Skeletons