Summer Learning
What a fantastic last few weeks we have had! It has been very busy and the big highlight has been our Class Assembly, the children did a fantastic job and really showed their enthusiasm for the topic. I was so proud of each and every one of them - they performed and sang brilliantly!
We have learned about angles and shapes in our Maths learning - looking at the differences between parallel and perpendicular lines, then we moved on to looking at the differences between 2d and 3d shapes, learning how to describe them. When the children return in September in Year 4 they will be looking at Place Value. I would suggest any practice of their times tables would be helpful and using TT Rockstars would be great!
I am sure you have admired the children's double page spreads - they were really proud to showcase their learning. We combined our History and English learning to create these fact files and used research skills and worked very hard on presentation.
It was lovely to end the term with a fantastic Egyptian Day, the Scrolls and self portraits were really fantastic and a lovely way to work on Art skills.
Finally I would like to wish you all a wonderful summer holidays and I have loved the year I have spent with this lovely lot!
Mrs Madden
Summer 2 - Week 4
This week was a little different to our usual weeks due to transition days! We did spend some time on Monday sharing our thoughts and all of the children seemed excited to meet their new teachers and classmates.
I was delighted to receive messages from their new teachers on Tuesday and Wednesday evening to say how incredibly lucky they felt to have such lovely children in their classes and that all of the children behaved impeccably - I am very proud of them all.
It was lovely to see all the children back in Meerkat class on Thursday! we continued our work in maths on time and in English the children wrote their diary entries - ready to write out in best on tea stained paper on Friday . They should be very proud of some excellent outcomes.
We are working hard on our class assembly - I would be very grateful if you could help the children work on their lines. If you have any queries about this please don't hesitate to ask.
I look forward to Monday, we'll be going through the assembly again and making props and choreographing dances!
I do hope everyone has a lovely relaxing weekend!
Kindest regards
Mrs Madden
Summer 2 - Week 3
Firstly apologies for the lack of update for the last few weeks - its a bit of a busy term behind the scenes!
We have had a fantastic start to the term - time is flying by far too quickly. The children have fully immersed themselves in our Egyptian topic, lots of fun lessons so far and this week we explored the importance of the River Nile, we will be discussing the different roles in Egyptian society next week.
Maths learning has centred around telling the time - we looked at months of the year, days of the week and moved on to looking at digital clocks today. Time can be a tricky concept so any reinforcement at home would be really beneficial - ask them to tell you the time!!
Our diary writing unit comes to an end next week - we have learned all the features needed for a diary entry, this week focusing on the differences between formal and informal language. We have looked at paragraphs and how they are important in our writing.
We have talked this week as a whole class about how we are all feeling about the imminent transition days, it was comforting to many that everyone is feeling the same and we will continue to support the children with any feelings they have and reassure them as much as we can.
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
With kind regards
Mrs Madden
Summer 1 - Week 6
A lovely end to a busy half term! Our walk to the river was just fantastic, the children behaved impeccably and were able to sit down and look at the River Thames in detail, they then drew sketch maps, labelling the key features they saw. We then used these sketch maps to inspire our watercolour paintings.
In maths we have been looking at money, adding subtracting money and knowing the value of notes and coins. We would really like it if the children were able to have some practical experience over the half term holidays ready to put their skills to the test in a real life context. We will be setting up a shop on the first day back!
Our writing has culminated in the children writing a newspaper report all about the coronation. We are very impressed with the end results, we have got some great headlines and interesting information. We have some budding journalists in our year group!
I have uploaded our curriculum map for the final half term of the year - please do feel free to encourage the children to research all things Egyptian.
I hope you have a restful and sunny half term break!
Kindest regards
Mrs Madden
Summer 1 - Week 4
It was lovely to be back in school all together again - I do hope you enjoyed reading the children's best bits about Sayers Croft that they should taken home with them. We spent some time talking about what their favourite memories were then spent some time writing about their favourite memories!
This week in Maths we have completed our unit learning about measurement - and we moved on to our second unit on fractions - we will be looking at adding then subtracting fractions then will move on to fractions of amounts.
For the remainder of the half term Meerkat class are training to be journalists - we aim to write a newspaper report and spent the week in both guided reading and English looking at features of newspapers - ask the children to tell you what the five W's stand for!
We spent some time this week looking at the History of the River Thames and the importance of the Thames Barrier, we discovered many important events - we are very much looking forward to our walk to the river in a couple of weeks.
WE hope you have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Madden
Summer 1 Week 3 - Sayers Croft Week
A fantastic week had by all! I will be updating with a full run down of events and asking some of the children to contribute next week - the highlights for me were seeing the children flourish during activities such as the climbing wall and seeing how resilient they can be. Some children were so kind to others and every single one of them made us incredibly proud to be their teachers.
I have started uploading some pictures under the Sayers Croft part of the page - there are a few more to go!
I hope everyone has caught up on a bit of sleep and I am very much looking forward to seeing all the children back in school next week.
Kindest regards
Mrs Madden
Summer 1 - Week 2
What a fun week!
The football workshop on Tuesday was a enjoyed by all - the children learned some fantastic tricks and watched in awe as our visitor delivered a really exciting assembly.
In addition to this we had a company called IRock visit - I hope you saw the letter sent home with the children. They were really engaged with this and some children even got to perform in front of their peers.
We also had the amazing PTA run the Guinness world record event - they really made a huge effort to make it fun for the children and all of the Meerkat children participated and completed at least 4 laps of the track! Well done Meerkats!
In our learning this week we have continued looking at measurement - capacity and volume and looking at equivalent capacity and volume.
The children have produced some wonderful poetry which we will display on the windows for you to enjoy on our return from Sayers Croft.
We have mapped the Rivers of the UK in Geography finding out the smallest river and answered some challenging questions using research skills and map work. In science we explored the water cycle further and drew a scientific diagram to explain the different stages water goes through on our planet.
In our RSHE lessons we are exploring relationships, how we can resolve conflict and how to treat everyone with kindness. This is something that we as a team feel very strongly about and talk about often.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!
Kind regards
Mrs Madden
Summer 1 - Week 1
Welcome back to our Year 3 family ! We have had a great start to the term - it has been clear to see that lots of the children have done research over the holidays and have started off our new topic with some really good knowledge - ask the children how many rivers there are in the world - they should be able to tell you!
In English we have had a lovely week of immersing ourselves in Poetry. We will be continuing with this next week, and the children will be producing their own water themed shape poem.
In Maths we have looked at mass, comparing mass and using scale to help us. We have learned how many grams there are in a kilogram, this is very important when making comparisons. Next week we move on to adding mass, then we will look at volume.
Our Geography and Science units looking at the water cycle and rivers has really hooked the children (not least the catchy song we are learning!) We have started with an experiment creating our own water cycle in a bottle. In Geography we have explored the main features of a river from source to mouth. We move on next week to mapping the UK's rivers.
Next week we have a number of extra activities which will be great fun - we have a football skills workshop in addition to PE on Tuesday. On Friday we have our Guinness Record attempt in the morning and some special visitors leading a music assembly in the afternoon.
As ever if you ever have any queries about what is going on in school please don't hesitate to contact us on
With kind regards
The Year Three Team